Stop Saying These Things to Your Single Friends and Family

Being the single guy or gal in the friend group, or in the family, can be hard. Being the third wheel, fifth wheel, or seventh wheel, can also be hard. On top of that, when you’re single, you tend to hear the same universal comments from people who are in relationships, which gets super annoying.

If you’re in a relationship and you have friends and family members who are single, be conscious about the things you say and ask them. You don’t want to come off as insensitive or be yet another person making them feel bad for being single. How can you be conscious of this? Be sure to avoid saying the following things.

  1. “When are you going to settle down?”
  2. “How are you still single?”
  3. “Don’t worry, you’ll find someone”
  4. “Love will come along when you least expect it”
  5. “Let me set you up”
  6. “Your problem is…”
  7. “You must have no stress”
  8. “Aren’t you worried about your biological clock?”
  9. “You’re just too picky”
  10. “Can I look at your Tinder profile?”
  11. “You have to put yourself out there more”

Source: Bolde

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