Lots of people around the world like to have a drink or two, but a new study reveals which countries are home to the biggest binge drinkers in the world. The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) released its 'Health at a Glance 2023' report this week, which compares the rates of alcohol consumption in their 38 member countries.
The OECD defines “binge drinking” as having at least six boozy drinks in a single session. According to their research:
- Denmark has the heaviest binge drinkers, where around 37% of adults report binge drinking at least once a month.
- Romania is a close second (36%), followed by the U.K. (35%).
- Other famous drinking countries Germany, home of Oktoberfest, is fifth, while Ireland is eighth and the U.S. is 10th.
- About a quarter (26%) of men in all countries report heavy binge drinking at least once a month, compared to 12% of women.
- But in Denmark, 28% of women report heavy binge drinking, and in the U.K. 25.5% of women do, the most of any countries in the study.
- The numbers are much higher for men, with 55% of men in Romania and just under 50% in Denmark reporting heavy binge drinking.
Source: NY Post