Women Share the Differences Between Their Healthy and Toxic Relationships

When you’re in a toxic relationship, it’s hard to remember that you deserve better and that there is better out there. Redditor u/BadgleyMischka seemingly wanted to give this reminder and took to Reddit to ask women who are now in healthy relationships after being in a toxic one what the biggest differences they noticed are. Here’s what they had to say.

  • "The fact that he stays calm when I communicate my feelings."
  • "I am so much more relaxed! I'm no longer constantly coming up with a defense or justification for everything. I'm no longer worrying about whether my partner is doing something out of genuine care or manipulating me. I choose my own company now and do things on my own without guilt. I can be myself without being shamed or judged."
  • "I never get yelled at anymore. I don't have to cherry-pick my words to avoid a blowup. I say what I want, how I want, and my boyfriend never changes the topic by accusing me of 'having an attitude.'"
  • "The person I'm currently dating doesn't have to be asked or begged to spend time with me. She does it on her own because she likes spending time with me."
  • "I feel valued, loved, and supported, and I am not afraid to open up or share."
  • "I have an actual partner in life — not someone who I have to constantly fight for myself with. It's a huge relief."
  • "At first, it can feel boring; that's how it was for me. I was so used to chaos and toxicity. When my next partner showed me kindness and stability, it felt boring. The 'butterflies' — that I now recognize as signs of discomfort — weren't there. I just felt so comfortable with him."

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Source: Buzzfeed

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