Whether it’s a romantic relationship, a friendship, a family member, or a colleague, asking questions is a good way to create and strengthen a relationship. You learn their likes and dislikes and their point of view, all while showing them you’re taking an interest in them.
But there are some questions you should never ask someone no matter what. These questions can make them uncomfortable, upset, or straight-up not happy. What are they? These questions can come off as rude and insensitive and are frankly just none of your business.
- When are you going to get married?
- When are you having kids?
- Why are you single?
- How many people have you slept with?
- You really shouldn’t be drinking/eating/doing that, you know that, right?
- Why don’t you live in a better area/house/apartment?
- Why can’t you afford this?
- Why can’t you lose weight?
- Why didn’t you invite me?
- Why don’t you like me?
Source: Bolde