Don't Make These Small Mistakes on Your Dating Profile!

Your dating profile is a potential boo’s first – and only – impression of you. You want it to be as perfect as it can be! Unfortunately, there are some small, unintentional mistakes people make on their dating profiles that are a bit too common… and super easy to make.

If you want to get more attention on the apps, avoid making these nine mistakes. They may be small, but they can make a big difference!

  1. Not using your best photos.
  2. Having an overly long profile.
  3. Being too generic.
  4. Listing stereotypically “girly” (or “manly”) interests.
  5. Forgetting the “must-haves.”
  6. Being too negative.
  7. Talking too much about the past.
  8. Responding even when you’re not interested.
  9. Never changing your profile.


Source: YourTango

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