If You Can Do These Four Things Together Your Relationship Will Last

It’s one thing to find someone you want to spend the rest of your life with, but it’s another to do the things that will make it last. There’s no shortage of good advice when it comes to keeping things healthy between you, and there aren’t a lot of surprises on the list. That doesn’t make them any less important, though, because studies have shown that these are the keys to a long, happy life together. 

  1. Communicate – It’s the standard advice, but it’s deeper than you think. Good communication includes what you communicate about, but it also means that how you communicate is important. Studies have shown that talking face-to-face instead of texting when you have a big decision works a lot better…as long as you keep the eye-rolling and name-calling out of it. Be honest, say what you mean, but don’t be mean about it.
  2. Dance in the rain – Not literally (unless that sounds like a good time to you!). Happy couples enjoy laughing, complimenting each other, or taking trips together. Fun fact…just going for a walk around the neighborhood counts as a trip, as long as you’re having fun doing it.
  3. Celebrate each other – Your partner got a promotion? Celebrate it with them! They just had a good day? Celebrate it with them! Long-lasting happy couples celebrate all of the wins together, both big and small. You should be each other’s biggest cheerleader.
  4. Be intimate more often – Once a week is good, but the happiest couples “get together” two to three times a week. Stepping up your game (if it needs it) can lead to a happier, longer relationship. 

Source: Your Tango

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