If you’ve applied to a college or university in the past few years, you know how much of a toss-up it can be. You can get rejected for all kinds of different reasons! But sometimes the reasons are very straightforward. Redditor u/impeccableflaws recently asked college admissions counselors "What is the worst reason you chose not to accept a student?" and here’s what they had to say.
- "The worst case I've seen is a kid openly admitting in his application essay that he was a habitual cheater throughout high school — but it taught him how to become resourceful and think outside the box."
- "I rejected a student who applied to our Ph.D. program to work with me because she plagiarized my paper in the personal essay of her application."
- "We had a kid once send in his own worn and slightly smelly shoe, along with a note that said, 'Hope this helps get my foot in the door.'"
- "I was on the admissions committee at my med school. One time, we had an applicant whose personal statement started out saying, in all seriousness, that he wanted to be a doctor because a doctor's white coat or a surgeon's scrubs are aphrodisiacs."
- "I rejected an applicant to our (science) Ph.D. program because he said he 'didn't believe in data' during our interview."
- "Someone wrote a lovely and extensive essay on how they wanted to go to Vanderbilt — for an application to American University in Washington, DC."
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Source: Reddit