People Call Out Things That are a Waste of Money, But We Still Buy Anyway

A lot of us buy things that we know are overpriced or will blow our budget, but we just can’t help ourselves. A Reddit thread has people sharing some of those by asking, “What’s a total waste of money, yet people still pay for it?” No one wants to admit they’re guilty of spending on these things, but some people are and these are some of the top responses.

  • "Internet service providers that still don't offer unlimited data plans."
  • "Annually replacing a smartphone. I started getting 'Don't you want an upgrade?' messages from my provider literally three months after buying my newest Samsung phone."
  • "95% of gym supplements. Aside from caffeine and creatine, none of them have been vetted enough to be called effective. The ones that have, are never effective."
  • "The bag of spinach in my refrigerator that was purchased to replace the previous (and now spoiled) bag of spinach."
  • "Huge weddings. Why drop $50k-$100k on an event? Yes, the memory is important but some folks spend ridiculous amounts when a much smaller one would be more intimate and not bankrupt someone."
  • "In-app purchases in games."
  • "Food delivery from third-party apps. Not only is takeout already expensive, you are paying a 10–20% upcharge on the menu, and then there's the fees and tip."
  • Vacations to kid-centered places with kids too young to appreciate them. I'm talking about taking a 1 and 2-year-old to Disney, for example. It's an expensive trip that they are not old enough to appreciate."
  • "Multiple streaming services when you tend to just watch one. No brand loyalty here. I have one at a time and cancel before joining another."
  • "Over-priced drinking water in bottles. Sure there’s a difference but the price doesn't justify the difference."
  • "Coffee drinks. I have perfected the art of making one good cup of coffee at a time at home and when I did the math I realized I was spending $4-6 per day before and now I'm paying $0.75 per day without lines or apps or being asked how to spell my simple name or whatever."
  • "Warranties and insurance for literally anything where the replacement cost you can afford."

Source: Reddit

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