Funny Captions for Labor Day

It’s Labor Day weekend! You work hard all year; you should be celebrating your hard work. Whether you’re spending your long weekend at the beach, at a BBQ, at the park, or just outside in your backyard, celebrate what you’re doing by posting on social media. There are tons of funny Labor Day Weekend captions you can use, like these.

  • You certainly won’t catch me doing any Labor today.
  • To do today: eat a hot dog, jump in the pool, and do literally nothing else.
  • A bad day barbecuing is still better than a good day at work.
  • The only labor that should be done today is on the grill. And someone else should be doing it, not me.
  • Thinking about flipping the calendar back to June and pretending we aren’t up to Labor Day yet.
  • Uh oh, we’re getting to the time of year that the fashion police are going to come at me for wearing white.
  • “Summer lovin’, had me a blast” — “Grease”
  • “I got that summertime sadness” — Lana del Rey
  • “It’s been a hard day’s night, and I’ve been sleeping like a log” — The Beatles
  • “Treat yo’self” — Tom Haverford, “Parks & Recreation”

For even more, click HERE!

Source: Romper

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