Guys Share Common Struggles Women Don't Understand

It’s always interesting to hear things from a different perspective and a Reddit thread is giving us a chance to do just that. It asks, “What is a struggle men have that women will never understand?” Thousands of guys have stepped up to share and the responses range from funny to unexpected.

  • "Questions like, 'Why are you wearing pink? You’re a guy.' 'Why are you drinking anything that’s not a beer? You’re a guy.' 'Why did that movie make you tear up? You’re a guy.' Just about every guy gets questions like these on a regular basis that they probably don’t even notice anymore."
  • "Trying to find the balance of being emotionally vulnerable and masculine in such a way that maintains attraction. This leaks into communication, outward behavior and damn near everything in a relationship."
  • "I was the victim of domestic violence, and was laughed out of the police station when I attempted to report it."
  • "Being expected to be able to step up in scary situations when you are scared sh*tless yourself and don't want to either."
  • "Trying to ask out women with little to no signals to do so. Having to approach and initiate every romantic interaction without coming on too strong and not seem like a creep."
  • "My wife and I are very affectionate with our young son. Tons of hugs and kisses. I know that there will be a point where he will no longer want that from me specifically but will be okay with her still showing that kind of love."
  • "Modern society can view us as being totally useless but somehow in charge of everything."
  • "Trying to figure out if she’s into you, or just being nice."
  • "It's not okay to be a stereotype who tells a woman to get in the kitchen and make me a sandwich. But it's acceptable — if not downright encouraged — for a woman to knock me for not being able to lift something heavy saying, 'You're a man, you're supposed to be able to do this!'"
  • "Women have no idea what it's like to go your whole life with no one ever thinking to give you flowers."
  • "Trying to figure out if I should pay on the date to be polite but I also should have us split because we're equal, but there's a gender pay gap so I should pay because I'm a man, but gender roles are meant to be cast aside?"

Source: Reddit

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