We were all scared of stuff when we were kids, even if we don’t want to admit it now. Some of those things seem pretty silly now that we’re adults and a Reddit thread has people confessing them. These are the “dumbest” things people say they were afraid of as a child.
- "The 'Cheez-It Man.' He was made up by my dad so I'd stop eating all the Cheez-Its. If he saw you taking Cheez-Its...well, I don't remember what was supposed to happen, but I was terrified of him, and that's all I remember."
- "I was terrified I was turning into a chicken. I kept finding little white feathers on me. Nobody told me what down jackets were."
- "In first or second grade, we were told we would be 'holding a fire drill.' I got very concerned because I didn't know how to use a drill."
- "When I was really young, I was afraid of big leaves. I had no problem jumping into leaf piles in autumn, and small leaves didn't bother me. But I'd stay away from plants that had big leaves, and I remember going inside and asking my mom to get a big leaf out of the yard so I could play. I have no idea what it was that made me so afraid of them."
- "The PS2 startup sound. I used it to play games and watch DVDs, but I would turn it on, run and hide, and wait for the 'scary part' to be over."
- "The boat scene in ‘Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory.’"
- "‘The Ring.’ Which I never even saw. Someone recapped it, and it haunted me for years…"
- "My brother and I used to set our stuffed animals and toys up and stare at them from a long distance using binoculars. We would take turns, but each of us could only last a few seconds before freaking out, squealing, and handing off the binoculars because we were just CONVINCED that they were going to start moving or looking in our direction."
- "When I was a kid, I watched a TV show about spontaneous human combustion while I was sick with the flu, and I was 100% CONVINCED I was going to burst into flames. The fever dreams afterwards did not help."
- "UFOs. The first time I saw a spotlight in the sky (it was a car dealer having an event), I nearly passed out. I was probably around 10 years old."
- "I was terrified of Santa Claus as a kid. He just looked big and scary to me. He used to freak me out to the point of tears!"
Source: Reddit