Women Confess The Cringiest Things They've Ever Done

We’ve all done things that no matter how much time passes, thinking about them still makes us ashamed and uneasy. A thread on Reddit’s Ask Women section digs into this by asking, “What’s the cringiest thing you’ve ever done that haunts you to this day?” More than a thousand comments have come in and these are some of the best, but fair warning, they may give you a huge amount of second-hand embarrassment.

  • "I was in a situationship with a guy in my early 20s, and he did not like me AT ALL. For some reason, I thought me sending him bikini pics would make him think I was hot as hell and magically like me. Boy didn’t even react to them. I want to die just thinking about it."
  • "I was in a college certification program that had students from multiple universities. One day, a guy asked me if I was a cougar, and I responded that I didn't think I was old enough. The cougar was their mascot."
  • "When I was in middle school, I put the number of days I'd been single for in my MSN name, updated daily. "
  • "I once forgot my phone at home when I went to work. I was talking to my colleague, and I mentioned that I didn't have my phone with me, and how I 'felt like I had lost an arm.' My colleague only had one arm. I'll think about that moment until I die."
  • "My high school friend had a pregnancy scare. I got a call and was told they had good news. I exclaimed, 'You're not pregnant!' I spoke too soon. She was. We had just graduated from high school. It never occurred to me that someone my age at the time would be excited about having a baby."
  • "I showed up at a college party elaborately dressed as Charlie Chaplin. I was the only person in costume. Good times."
  • "I left my sixth-grade crush a voicemail of me singing '2 Become 1' by the Spice Girls."
  • "I had a friend in undergrad whose family worked in radio, but that's all I knew; I didn't know specifics. She picked me up after class one day, and she had my least favorite talk show playing in her car. 'Ugh, I HATE this woman's voice every time she comes on, it's the worst,' I said as soon as I got in the car. To which she replied...'That's my mom.'"
  • "I accidentally ended a video call with new co-workers by saying “I love you” instead of “bye”. I was a week into a new job. This was just recently."

Source: Reddit

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