More Than 2/3 of Us Think Snacks Make or Break a Road Trip

Millions of people will be hitting the road for a vacation this summer and new research reveals the essentials they like to bring to ensure a good time. According to a new poll conducted by OnePoll on behalf of HI-CHEW™, more than two-thirds of Americans think snacks can make or break a road trip. Along with snacks, they say the company (34%) and the stops along the way (30%) are the most important parts of a road trip.

  • The poll finds that if given the choice, people’s preferred mode of transportation is the car (38%), rather than a plane (35%) or a train (18%).
  • Nearly two-thirds (71%) of respondents agree that road trips give them a free pass to snack as much as they want.
  • Eating on the road is so important, 61% admit they wouldn’t even go on a road trip with someone who doesn’t allow eating in the car.
  • Favorite road trip snacks include chips (47%), chocolate (47%), cookies (44%), candy (40%), fruit (40%) and granola bars (38%).
  • People’s golden rules for road-tripping include that everyone uses the bathroom before leaving (43%), people should wear deodorant, but not strong perfume or cologne (39%), the front seat passenger has to help with directions (38%) and that the driver always gets to choose the music (31%).
  • The road trips Americans want to take most are heading across the country (40%), up and down the East Coast (38%), and the West Coast (37%), as well as traveling historic Route 66 (33%).

Source: SWNS Digital

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