Mom’s Hilarious “Most Expensive Time Of The Year” Rant Goes Viral

The holiday season is the most wonderful time of the year, but it’s also the busiest and the most expensive, according to one mom. Alana Smith, a mom of two young boys, nurse anesthetist and writer, shared a hilarious post on her Facebook page - Holy Moly Motherhood - that’s all about kids’ schools bombarding us with requests and reminders this time of year. It’s gone viral because so many parents can relate and are cracking up over it.

“The elementary school PTO be like: Heeeeeeeyyy It’s November, the most expensive time of the year. So here are a few things coming up,” it begins. Smith then lists all the things parents may be getting reminders for right about now, including:

  • “FALL PICTURE DAY! $124 for a package that includes 14 wallets that no one has needed since 2004! Don’t forget to notice the photo background options that include a beach in Fiji or a romantic Italian landscape, all appropriate options for our Alabama first graders!”
  • “It’s time for the BOOK FAIR! Please send whatever amount that you feel comfortable with for your child, but make sure it’s enough so your child can buy at least three books…most children buy five books so please send $60, otherwise you can’t keep up with the Joneses this week!”
  • “It’s time to DONATE CANS!!! Please send your entire pantry of cans, otherwise we will think you are a bunch of pretentious a-holes. Happy Thanksgiving!”
  • “And last but not least, attached are eight ALL ABOUT ME forms so that you can buy your teachers, counselors, lunchroom staff, librarian, bus driver, and music and art teachers their Christmas gifts! And don’t forget the PTO!!! We love Starbucks, Target, and crisp, cash bills.”

Smith says she was inspired to write the post after getting simultaneous reminders about some of these events for her sons. The final straw, she says, was the “Holiday Shop flyer that came home saying you could send a blank check with your child. I could only imagine the slime and erasers that would come home if I didn’t set a limit.” And she says most everyone knew her post was a joke and got a laugh out of it, including the school PTO president.

Source: Today

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