9 Habits Of Successful Women

There are things that all super successful women have in common. Coach, philanthropic strategist, facilitator, and social impact advisor Jill Bausch explained what the nine habits of successful women are to “Metro UK.”

  1. They value feedback. Rather than shying away from hearing the truth, successful women love communication and getting constructive criticism.
  2. They learn how to handle crucial conversations. And they know they should be face to face.
  3. They don’t create stress, they diffuse it. They’re actively working to reduce stress.
  4. They don’t fear disagreements. They know that contention happens and they don’t try to pretend it doesn’t exist or try to avoid it.
  5. They show up and are present. And they know that showing up is more than just physically being there. They leave their phone at their desk and aren’t multitasking while chatting with you.
  6. They actually listen. They’re comfortable with silence and pauses and truly slow down, listen and think before giving a response.
  7. They learn that different things motivate different people. They know what motivates them but know this isn’t necessarily what motives other people.
  8. They show confidence, even if they have to fake it ‘til they make it. They learn to mirror confidence and know that this can be the first step to being confident yourself.
  9. They act as role models and mentors for others. They share their wisdom and help others who are on their way up.

SourceMetro UK

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