An elegance and etiquette expert is revealing the 10 things to avoid on social media if you don’t want to look trashy and tacky. Anna Bey warns that posting the wrong kinds of things “can cost you opportunities and sabotage your future.” She says she’s learned from mistakes she’s made in the past and wants to keep others from doing the same. And these are her tips for having a “classy and well put together” social media profile.
- Don’t post provocative photos - There’s a difference between a sexy photo and one that’s provocative, according to this expert. Posting a pic of yourself in a bikini at the beach is sexy, but one of a woman posing in her underwear on a bed is “obvious, sexy and provocative.”
- Don’t overshare about your love life or partner - An occasional “husband appreciation post” is fine, but Anna points out that posting every day or bragging about your relationship can be “nauseating.” And when it comes to intimate photos or those showing you half naked in bed? That’s a hard no.
- Don’t post passive aggressive quotes - She says it’s “so ridiculous” to post passive aggressive quotes on social media that are clearly directed at someone specific, so skip those.
- Don’t post photos with cigarettes or alcohol - “You don’t want to be advertising your bad habits,” Anna warns. So be discreet and remember those photos could live online forever.
- Don’t go online after you’ve had too many drinks - Even when you’re tipsy, it affects your judgment.
- Don’t brag about yourself - Bragging online “boils down to pure insecurity,” she says.
- Don’t be a drama queen - There’s no shortage of them on social media, which is “their secret little hub because that’s where they get all the attention,” according to the expert.
- Don’t post when you’re in a bad mood - Sometimes you have to share negative news or want to share thoughts, but Anna cautions against making it a habit.
- Don’t post photos with bad lighting - She’s talking about pics that are pixelated, blurry, or too dark to see.
- Don’t use “cheap influencer” tactics - Her final tip is to steer clear of things women do when they’re trying to become influencers, like participating in “low-level giveaways,” because they “cheapen a person or their brand so much.”
Source: Daily Mail