How To Politely Reject Someone Who Keeps Asking You Out

There are some things that get easier with age and some things that don’t, like rejecting one. It’s even harder if they’re one of those “won’t take no for an answer” type of people. So how can you reject someone who keeps asking you out? Here’s some tips on how to do it politely.

  1. Make eye contact. It shows that what your saying is direct and that you’re 100% certain of it.
  2. Don’t make excuses. Excuses can have loopholes that the other person can find more easily than you may realize.
  3. Be direct and firm. Come up with some to the point lines and even practice them if you’re not good at saying no or being firm.
  4. Be consistent in your rejection. Don’t send any mixed messages or give off any signals that you may change your mind.
  5. Don’t feel obligated to take responsibility for their feelings. They’re an adult too, and as an adult, they should be able to manage their feelings.
  6. Don’t be afraid to not be polite. If someone is disrespecting your boundaries, you don’t have an obligation to be polite to them.
  7. Give them an action item. Share what you will do if a boundary is crossed such as “If you don’t stop asking me out, then I will block you.”
  8. Practice boundary setting for the future. Work on practicing boundary-settings in therapy or on your own.

Source: Bustle

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