Ways "Simple White Lies" Can Ruin Your Relationship

You may think that “simple white lies” are just that – simple and harmless. But they actually can ruin your relationship. Lying is lying, no matter how you may try to sugarcoat it. Here are ten ways that yes, even the tiniest white lies can have devastating impacts on your relationship.

  1. One lie always leads to another. Little lies can very easily turn into bigger lies.
  2. You can instill doubt into your relationship without realizing it. If you lie about the small things, your partner may assume you’re lying about the big ones, too.
  3. Your partner will see you differently. They’ll also begin questioning what’s true in a relationship and what’s false.
  4. Your words will mean nothing. Your partner won’t believe you about anything anymore.
  5. Your past actions and words will be scrutinized. Yes, both past actions and future ones.
  6. Your partner will feel betrayed. It hurts when you know someone isn’t genuine with you.
  7. It’ll be difficult (if not impossible) to get things back to “normal.” Your partner will likely be re-evaluating your relationship.
  8. Your relationship could start to feel fabricated. If lies are happening, is anything real?
  9. White lies can lead to a breakup. Trust is the foundation of every relationship.
  10. It could cause you or your partner to fall out of love. The love can easily be lost if you’re caught in a lie.

Source: Your Tango

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