Some days we just don’t feel like adulting because being a grown-up can be hard, thanks to all the rent-paying, job-having and child-raising that we do. A thread on Reddit’s “Ask Women” section wants to know, “What is an adult problem that nobody prepared you for?” See if you can relate to these responses.
- “It’s hard to make new friends.”
- “It's also hard to maintain old friendships.”
- “Dating as an adult absolutely sucks. I hate it. I’m at the point where I’m happy to stay single and celibate forever because I’m so tired of modern dating culture.”
- “Never actually feeling like an adult. I always assumed once I was like.. 20, I'd suddenly be sure of myself. That didn't happen, so I thought maybe my mid or late 20s would be when I became ‘An Adult.’ But no.”
- “How expensive furniture is.”
- “That once you have kids you can never go back to being “just you” again. I would have my children one thousand times over but no one ever warned me that I will never feel truly free again.”
- “How every part of my body hurts for no reason.”
- “How you're expected to work every day for the rest of your life with a two week break once a year (if you're lucky)”
- “That bullies still thrive outside of high school”
- “That you have to heal on your own, and that relationships won't make you any happier”
- “Omg taxes. They are everywhere and EXPENSIVE”
- “That hangovers can last the entire weekend”
- “Having to think of what to make for dinner every day…”
- “And grocery shopping, and not letting your groceries rot in the fridge because you were too lazy to cook the last 3 nights…”
- “How everyone is really just winging it at being an adult.”
Source: Reddit