Tips Every New Couple Can Use For A Healthy Love Story

Dating someone new is so thrilling but it can also be overwhelming. There’s a ton up in the air! Will it last? Is this person the one? Are there red flags I should be looking out for? To help, here are seven tips every new couple can use for a healthy love story.

  1. Know yourself. This will help you figure out what your expectations are for this new relationship.
  2. Accept your feelings. Before you can share your feelings with your new boo, you need to know them and have accepted them yourself.
  3. Unveil your true self. Putting on a show or lying to this new person will not give your relationship a strong foundation.
  4. Release your past baggage. Carrying them around with you will affect your future relationships.
  5. Frank conversations. It’s even better if these are in-person or via FaceTime instead of over text.
  6. Show your affection. Actions really do speak louder than words.

Source: Health Shots

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