Relationships are hard. But what are the hardest parts and how can you over come them? “The Independent” asked some dating experts to identify them.
- Mutual respect. You need to acknowledge you won’t always agree on everything, but you’re grateful for them anyway.
- Defining the relationship. Be sure to listen to what the other person is communicating to you re: if they want commitment or not.
- Lack of communication. Make dedicated time for talking. Practice active listening and paraphrasing what the other says.
- Carving out one-on-one time. Have a dedicated time where you turn off technology and do something together.
- Physical intimacy. Maintain that physical closeness, in whichever way works for you!
- Compromise. But make sure you know when it’s OK to go with the flow and when clearer conversation is required.
- Disagreements. Arguments happen, but how you move on effectively after a disagreement will make all the difference.
Source: Independent