Social Media Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Relationship

Like it or not, social media has become a part of our everyday lives. And while it’s great for some things, like seeing photos of everyone’s kids and finding recommendations, some of our social media habits can actually damage our relationships. These are some social media mistakes that can be trouble for couples.

  • Oversharing - Some people like to share more than others and if your partner isn’t happy to have you post every detail of your personal lives on social media, but you do it anyway, it could cause problems. It's important to talk about what you’re both okay with and work on a compromise you agree on so no one gets hurt.
  • Checking social media instead of checking in with each other - If you’re continually scrolling through your feed and ignoring your S.O., they may feel neglected because you’re not spending time with them. Think of all the couples you see at restaurants on a date who are on their phones rather than talking to each other. You don't want to be one of them.
  • Continuing to interact with your ex - Lots of us keep tabs on our exes on social media, but if you’re chatting with yours and your partner doesn’t know or they know, but don’t approve, that can definitely be a problem. Anything you feel like you have to hide is a major red flag and your partner may feel jealous if they see you commenting on your ex’s posts. Creating clear rules about how to handle your exes on social media can help you both feel more secure.
  • Checking in before bed - We all know how social media can be addictive, like when you’re scrolling one minute and the next thing you know an hour has gone by. If you constantly do this as you’re lying in bed and your partner feels ignored, it can put a damper on your sex life, as well as negatively affect your sleep.
  • Using it to cover up uncertainty in your relationship - Everyone wants to be in a perfect relationship, but there’s really no such thing, no matter how perfect things look on social media. That’s not to say you should air your dirty laundry on Facebook, or post about every disagreement you have, but you also shouldn’t feel like you can only share photos that make you look perfect. That’s a lot of pressure to live up to and that’s not good for any relationship.

Source: Your Tango

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