Don't Ghost: How To Say No To A Second Date

We’re better than ghosting, right? But you really don’t want to go on a second date with that person. How should you handle it? Sex and relationship expert for “Bumble,” Shan Boodram shared some tips on how to say no to a second date with “PureWow.”

  • Be honest. Yes, it can be awkward to be honest about something like this, but a moment of feeling awkward can save the other person a lot of questions and hurt. An example of something to say is “Thank you for dinner, it was nice to meet you.” Do not hint at doing it again sometime, and if they ask, you can politely say no, thank them for their time and wish them well in the future.
  • Keep it brief. You don’t want to drag it out. And make sure that you don’t start rambling because of nerves. You can simply say “I had a nice evening, but I’m going to say no to a second date” and leave it at that.
  • Be sensitive to their feelings. We’re all human and we all have feelings. Give them a chance to ask questions but then thank them for their time and make it clear that this is the end of your communication with them. An example of something to say is “I really enjoyed getting to know you, but the chemistry that I’m looking for was not there on my end.”

Source: PureWow

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