There are some things you should know about your significant other before getting too serious. You want to make sure you have similar morals, values, goals in life, etc. to make sure you’re building a strong foundation for a relationship that lasts. Here are some deep, but simple, questions to ask before getting too serious.
- What is your relationship like with your family? It’ll help you learn more about them beyond the surface.
- What is the happiest memory for your childhood? It’ll help show you what they really value.
- What is your favorite song about love? It can lead to a deeper connection if there’s a mutual love of the song/band or musical discoveries.
- Have you thought much about having a family? You really should know upfront if having children, or not having children, is a must.
- In what ways do you get satisfaction in your work? It’ll show you his daily routine and show you what his priorities are.
- What do you desire in a relationship and how do you imagine that happens? It’ll show you whether or not you’re on the same page.
- What don’t people know about you? You’ll learn something new you didn’t know.
- What scares you the most? You’ll be prepared.
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Source: Your Tango