First dates are hard. What can you possibly talk about? Well, a dating coach is sharing 11 things you should talk about to help spark a connection.
- Start with casual, contextual conversation. Like ask the other person if they’ve been to this bar/coffee shop/whatever before.
- Ask what their day or week has been like. They’ll reveal a bit about what’s currently going on in their life.
- Talk about what’s really happening in your world. Be real, about the good and the bad (just don’t be too negative).
- Bring up something from their dating profile. If you matched online, use that knowledge to your advantage.
- Notice and ask about the small details. Really focus on what they’re telling you and comment on the things you’re hearing.
- Compliment them, genuinely. Not just on their looks, on their personality and energy.
- Ask how they feel about their job. Not just what they do, how they really feel about it and/or enjoy it.
- Ask what things they’re passionate about these days. How do they spend their time outside of work?
- Ask how the last few years have affected them. Most people have been affected one way or the other.
- Learn about their family life. Ask if they’re close with their family or what their childhood was like.
- Ask what they’re looking for from dating right now. “So, what are you looking for from dating these days?” this way you know upfront what their dating goals are.
Source: MindBodyGreen