If You Engage In These 10 Behaviors, You're The Problem

We’ve always heard about having toxic partners.. but what if you’re really the toxic one in a relationship?! We don’t want to think that, but no one’s perfect. If you engaged in these 10 behaviors, you likely are the problem in your relationship.

  1. Your go-to answer is “no.” Relationships are a give and take, you should be at least willing to listen to your partner’s request.
  2. You self-sabotage for no reason. Are you causing problems in an otherwise totally healthy relationship?
  3. You let your partner do all the work. This includes they daily responsibilities of the house, work, and even work on the relationship.
  4. You go silent instead of talking about your feelings. Things don’t get resolved by ignoring the issue.
  5. You never say you’re sorry. You need to admit when you’ve done something wrong.
  6. You vent to your friends instead of working things out with your partner. You should never talk sh*t behind their back.
  7. You create drama for the thrill of it. It doesn’t keep the passion alive.
  8. You can’t let things go. Forgiveness is key.
  9. Your partner is afraid to be honest with you. They’re worried you’ll fly off the handle and don’t wanna deal with it.
  10. You try to change the person you’re dating, but never want to change yourself. You should both be growing and learning together!

Source: Your Tango

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