How To Get Energy Before A Workout, According To Experts

There are some days where we’re just so tired and feel like we have zero energy to work out. But we know how important it is to work out (and how much better we’ll feel after we do so). Experts shared with “Bustle” some ideas on how to get energy before a workout.

  • Eat two to three hours beforehand. The meal should include both protein and carbs.
  • Have a quick pre-workout snack. A banana with peanut butter about a half hour before you want to work out can do the trick.
  • Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Dehydration can give you low energy.
  • Drink something caffeinated. Tea or an iced coffee are great options.
  • Choose a fun routine. Or listen to your favorite song while working out.
  • Reschedule your workout. If you usually workout at night, try the mornings, or vice versa
  • Take a power nap. Twenty-minutes should help you feel rested.
  • Go outside. The sun and fresh air can wake up and recharge you.
  • Warm up. Jumping jacks, stretching, or standing up from your desk every hour can help get the blood flowing.

Source: Bustle

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