Money Is The Most Important Thing For Most Employees

While some companies will offer employees tons of perks to keep them happy, it’s pretty apparent that for many there’s only one thing that will do the trick – more money. A new CareerBuilder survey finds:

  • Money is a top priority for most folks in the workplace.
  • In fact, 47% of those polled say a good salary is the thing they most appreciate about their job, along with job security.
  • And money is even more important than time.
  • 66% of employees say they would prefer a 10% pay increase rather than an additional week of PTO.
  • When it comes to salary, 89% of employees expect an annual pay increase from their employer.
  • 46% want at least a 5% raise.
  • 16% expect a 10% raise or more each year.
  • Men or more likely than women to expect at least a 5% raise (57% vs. 36%). 

And it’s apparent that for many folks, their current job isn’t quite cutting it when it comes to money.

  • 53% of folks say they need to work more than one job to survive.
  • That includes:
    • 66% of Millennials
    • 57% of men
    • 49% of women.

Source: CareerBuilder

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