Many people in the service industry lost a lot of money during the pandemic, when restaurants were shut down. So, in response, a lot of people said they planned to tip better once things opened up. Well, according to a new survey, that didn’t really happen.
The survey by finds,
- Despite one-third of Americans vowing to be better tippers in 2020 and 2021, the amount of people tipping has decreased.
- In 2022, 73% of Americans say they always tip when going to restaurants, which is down from 77% in 2019, and 75% in 2021.
- Other than the 73% who always tip, when it comes to tipping in 2022:
- 14% tip most of the time.
- 9% tip sometimes.
- 4% never tip.
- Broken down by generations, the percentage that always tip include:
- 52% of Gen Z.
- 60% of Millennials.
- 77% of Gen X.
- 87% of Baby Boomers.
- Meanwhile 78% of women always tip, while 68% of men say the same.
- Of course, how much money a person has does affect their tipping.
- 26% of those with incomes over $1 million say they always tip, as compared to 19% of those who make less than $50K.
Other tidbits from the survey:
- Tipping has actually gone up for hairstylists/barbers, with 66% of people say they always tip their stylist, up from 63% in 2019.
- The majority of people say they always tip food delivery workers (57%), although it is down from 2019 (63%).
- Men and women are both likely to give a median tip of 20%, although men tend to give a little bit more, 22%.
- When given tipping suggestions, 26% are inspired to give more than the suggested amount, with 7% giving “much more.”
- 12% say they give less than the suggested amount, with 5% giving “much less.”
- Northeasterners and Westerners are more likely to tip more when given a suggested amount.