Hacks To Improve Self-Esteem

Sorry, Internet! Thanks for the advice but simply saying to “love yourself” just isn’t enough when you’re dealing with some incredibly low self-esteem. Your self-esteem issues may come and go but if you’re dealing with them right now, here are some ways to deal for real according to “Mashable.”

  • Dispute your negative thoughts by reminding yourself about something well you did every time you feel one pop up.
  • Practice unconditional self-acceptance. Stop defining yourself based on your successes vs failures. Dr. Albert Ellis says, “You have value as you, because you are you: a human being on this planet. Base your confidence on this notion, that you have worth, that you are sufficient as is.”
  • Keep a compliments log. It might sound weird by why not give it a try — write down every positive compliment or praise someone says about you and read through it when you’re feeling down.
  • Keep an achievement journal. If the above isn’t your thing, then write down all your achievements whether it’s as small as folding laundry or receiving a pay raise.
  • Avoid comparing yourself to others. This one is hard especially if you’re always on social media. Life isn’t a competition though and everyone is on a different journey than you.
  • Treat yourself like you would a friend. We are our biggest critics. Revise how you “speak” to yourself. Would you speak that way to someone like a close friend who you care about?

Source: Mashable

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