The Moment People Realized They’re Turning Into Their Parents

Do you ever catch yourself doing something you used to make fun of your parents for? It seems you’re in good company. A Reddit user asked, “What’s the most ‘I’m turning into my parents’ moment for you?” And people are sharing the instant the realization hit them.

  • “My dad will fall asleep just about anywhere, especially if he sits in a recliner. So after I got my first full time job out of college, I got home and me and my roommate were gonna watch a new episode of some show. I fell asleep in our recliner in less than 10 minutes.”
  • “I washed out the hummus container to save in case I needed it someday.”
  • “Ate at an expensive restaurant and for a sec considered how much better and cheaper it would have been if I made the meal at home”
  • “My 3 year old told me as I turned on the TV "don't turn on the news Dad." I 100% remember saying that to my parents”
  • “When I stared into the mass of various saved rubber bands and twist ties.”
  • “Over the course of college, I went from milk and sugar in my coffee to straight black with an espresso shot.”
  • “Walking around turning off light switches complaining about waste of electricity.”
  • “Finding myself excited to go to Lowe's.”
  • “When I sit down and make a ‘dad noise - aaahhhhrgggaaa’”
  • “My SO and I were packing and getting ready to road trip to some family’s house for Thanksgiving. As I was cleaning up the house my SO said something along the lines of, “don’t worry about it, you can clean when we get home.” I replied, ‘I do NOT want to come home to a dirty house.’ At that point I realized I’m turning into my mother.”
  • “The moment I realized that I started to have a bag full of bags…”

Source: Reddit

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