Women Reveal How They Stay Safe Dating Online

Online dating has become way more mainstream in the past decade. However, when you think about it… you’re still talking to random strangers online which comes with a few potential dangers. You really don’t know for sure who you’re talking to behind the profile and the expectation is that you’ll ultimately meet up with them (whoever they are) in real life. Women on Reddit shared the different ways they stay safe while dating online.

  • Research them before meeting up. “Do some digging to make sure that they are who they say they are. You can reverse image search. Also, look up things like their email addresses, phone numbers, and social media profiles if available.” –Victoria5475
  • Don’t go straight from texting to in-person. “Be sure that you have been talking for a while. Then, have phone calls and video calls to avoid meeting up with a catfish.” –Queenlicka420
  • Meet in public and share your location with friends. “Always meet them in public and in a neighborhood you are familiar with. This ensures you can get home even if your phone dies… Also, make sure you have live locations shared with someone who knows you are going on a date.” –Thin-commercial-2380
  • Set up a text system. “I would recommend buying a personal alarm and setting a ‘deadman’s switch.’ This sends a scheduled text to someone you trust about when and where you are going and who you might meet just in case the worst happens.” –Guildmasterjin

Source: Reddit

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