Most Employees Didn’t Actually Quit Jobs Over The Past Year

We keep hearing about the “Great Resignation” but is it really that bad? Well, according to a new survey, maybe not. 

A new poll by Careerarc finds:

  • 89% of employed Americans did not actually quit their job over the last year.
  • 61% didn’t even think about quitting their gig.
  • For people who did consider quitting, 32% didn’t because they haven’t found a suitable new job yet.
  • So, why aren’t people quitting? Top reasons include:
    • They like their job (49%)
    • Good work-life balance (43%)
    • They are satisfied with their salary (40%)
    • They like their coworkers (40%)
    • Flexible work schedule (35%)
    • Good management/leadership (31%)
    • Positive company culture/morale (27%) 
  • But for those who did quit, money played a big role.
  • 21.1% of people who left their job did so for a significantly higher salary increase.
  • But when it comes to pay increases, there seems to be a significant gender gap.
  • Overall, 66% of Americans say they got a raise over the past 12 months.
  • But 71% of men say they received a raise compared to 60% of women.
  • Raises were also smaller for women than men (6.5% vs. 12%).
  • And there’s a good indication that these discrepancies are motivating women to leave their jobs.
  • 44% of women who stayed at their job say they did so because they haven’t found a new one that met their requirements yet.
  • Only 24% of men say the same. 

Source: Business Insider

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