If You're Single, You Need To Spring Clean Your Contact List

With spring around the corner, many of us will begin spring cleaning our homes but based on a new survey, singles may want to focus their attention on their phones, specifically their contact list.

  • A new Dating.com survey reveals that way too many singles need to rid their phones of their exes, in order to be able to move on to finding new love.
  • The poll finds:
  • Too many singles are keeping tabs on exes, with 73% saying they check an ex’s social media pages at least once a month.
  • 61% admit sliding “into the DMs” of an ex, even though they know they’d be better off removing their exes off social media and deleting their info.
  • 47% say they still get texts from at least one ex every six months.
  • 37% say they’ve been in touch with their version of the “Tinder Swindelr,” someone they knew was too good to be true.
  • Only 32% of users insist they deleted or blocked an ex on social media after a breakup.
  • And it sounds like some folks are a little too eager to connect with potential mates in the first place.
  • 26% say they added a potential match on social media before they even went out on a first date. 

Source: WFMZ

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