We Can Easily See The Signs We Need A Vacation

Most people get excited about a vacation and start counting down the days to their next getaway. And for many, the signs they are in need of a break can be pretty obvious. A new Apple Vacations poll finds:

  • 29% of people can recognize the physical and emotional signs they are in need of a vacation.
  • High stress levels (52%) and restlessness and fatigue (47%) are the top physical indictors.
  • While irritability (55%), lack of focus at work (49%) and daydreaming (48%) are emotional signs.
  • And it doesn’t take long to acknowledge those indicators, with just seven bad workdays needed before someone feels the pull for a vacation.
  • Their relationship can tell them as well, with 65% saying that feeling disconnected from their partner is a sure clue a vacation is needed.
  • Some of the top ways people know it’s time for a vacation include:
    • Feeling stressed and overwhelmed (39%)
    • Needing a break from work (38%)
    • They and their partner need a break (36%)
    • Having extra funds (32%)
    • Kids and family want to go on vacation (32%)
  • 59% of people say the older they get, the bigger their desire to go on vacation gets.
  • If they could, the average person would go on four vacations a year.
  • 60% of people say they immediately start planning a new vacation when they return from one. 

Source: SWNS Digital 

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