Career Complaints Therapists Say They're Constantly Hearing

We tell our therapists everything, including how bad work just sucks sometimes! Therapists Aaron Sternlicht and Laurie L. Smith revealed to “The New York Post” how they’re starting to see the same work-related topics stressing their clients out. Here are some of the most common career complaints:

  • Bored and overworked – Therapists say this is more common for people who work hourly wages. Feeling “bored” and “overworked” can also lead to things like anxiety and depression.
  • Feeling unfulfilled – It’s common to feel like you should be doing more, or you aren’t “being productive enough.” This can result in feeling guilt and shame because we’re trying to keep up with doing it all.
  • Work spilling over – Work doesn’t stop for most after they leave the office or log off. Remote workers are especially guilty of letting their work lives cross over into their personal lives. There are no boundaries set.
  • A brutal commute – “They say people don’t hate their jobs, they hate their commute,” said Sternlicht. “Although many are working remotely, for those who commute it can be an added stress and cause them to have less time for themselves or to spend with family.”
  • Exhaustion – It’s not that easy to fall asleep as soon as we lay down in bed thanks to all the distractions around us. Not having a healthy sleep routine or prioritizing work or Netflix over a good night’s sleep can lead to more stress and us not getting the proper rest we need.

Source: NY Post

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