5 Red Flags When Texting A New Date

While first getting to know someone new, most of the conversation happens over text. You might be able to save yourself some time, energy, and heartbreak in the long run by picking up on red flags in the early stages of texting. Here are some red flag texting habits, according to “Mind Body Green” that could indicate your date is needy, anxious, or self-centered.

  • Instamacy – Instant intimacy, “instamacy” is when someone tries to establish a deep bond right off the bat. They give too much info too soon. “Too intimate too quickly is the text equivalent of a drunken stranger pouring out their heart to you in a bar,” MBG writes.
  • Flat affect – This describes your date’s emotions – or lack thereof. They show no emotion or energy in their texts which could mean they feel that showing any bit of emotion is too big of a risk.
  • Hostility at first sight – Red flags don’t get much redder than this. It’s unlikely they’ll get heated over text right away but if they do, just imagine what it could be like down the line.
  • The control freak – Control freaks in real life will want to control the conversation over text as well. A lack of flexibility could indicate this.
  • TMI: Too much information – While instamacy could be something that feels good – like they’re really interested in you right away – TMI will have you cringing and running for the hills. The connection isn’t there.

Source: Mindy Body Green

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