Life Lessons People Learned From Their Grandparents

Grandparents know a thing or two about life. If your grandparents are still around you should really listen to what they have to say – you might learn something new. “BuzzFeed” asked its audience to share the greatest life lesson they learned from their grandparents. Here are a few of them:

  • “Be yourself and everything will be OK; maybe not for everyone else, but it will be for you!” —valleypineapples
  • “Take either the first biscuit OR the last biscuit. Never both.” —defectivextragedy
  • “You don't need to understand everything and everyone to be respectful and recognize the humanity in others." —Anonymous
  • "Always carry an emergency $20 in your wallet. You will never know when you can't reach an ATM or run out of gas and have $20 to save you." —Anonymous
  • “Handsome is as handsome does. Judge people by their actions, not by their facades.” —ricemice93
  • “All relationships are built on respect, admiration, and trust.” —chelseamcdonald
  • “A touch of class and a hint of grace will get you a lot farther than you need them to.” —Anonymous
  • "Its nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice." —srayner410
  • “Don’t wish your life away. Always make the best of your current season of life." —Anonymous
  • “Joyful nights bring sorrowful mornings.” —l_princess1

Source: Buzzfeed

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