How To Ring In The New Year Alone

If you’ve ever felt guilty for wanting to stay home by yourself on New Year’s – don’t. Only 1 in 5 people actually hit the clubs or go out to a bar. On top of that, COVID cases are skyrocketing, which means it makes even more sense why you might want to stay home alone this year.

Who doesn’t love a night in ordering sushi, wearing cozy pajamas, and watching rom-coms? But this isn’t going to be an ordinary Friday night – it’s New Year’s Eve! You owe it to yourself to take it up a notch. Here’s how you can ring in the new year alone, but still in a special way:

  • Buy a blank 2022 calendar and plan fun things you “want to do with yourself…for yourself” like road trips, classes, concerts.
  • Write yourself a “year in review” letter for the future. This is basically a “letter of intention” for how you want the new year to go. Write the letter and plan to read it again in a year.
  • Design a memories jar. Write down your favorite memories throughout the year and collect them in a mason jar. Pop it open next NYE and read through your best moments.
  • Have a burning ceremony. Write down mistakes you want to move past, relationships you want to let go of, and anything else you want to put behind you from 2021. Set fire to them (in a safe setting) and let them turn to ashes.
  • Have your favorite meal delivered to you. Treat yourself to your favorite meal from your favorite restaurant. Just be sure to order it ahead of time. It’s nearly impossible to get something delivered after 6 pm on New Year's Eve.
  • Soak in the tub. Reduce anxiety and soothe any aching muscles by spending as much time as you want in a warm bubble bath. Light some candles, keep the champagne near and turn on some vibey music.
  • Stay off social media and your phone. Avoid triggering any FOMO from those on your feed who do go out. Take the last day of the year to go completely off-grid and allow yourself to go into 2022 refreshed.


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