People Share The Reasons They Hate Christmas

While most people love Christmas and the holiday season, there are plenty of folks who absolutely hate it and can’t wait for it to be over.

So, why would anyone hate Christmas? Well, holiday grinches are sharing their reasons in a new thread on the anonymous Whisper app, and while plenty of people probably won’t relate, there are a lot of folks who will. 

Reasons people hate Christmas include:

  • “I hate Christmas. I’m sure it’s a good holiday, but I hate everything about it. It’s stressful, expensive and I hate my family so I feel trapped when I see the Christmas cheer.”
  • “The reason I do not like Christmas is I usually have no idea what I want and tell people this. Then they buy me what they decided I want and get pissed when I’m not excited about it.”
  • “I hate all the Hallmark Christmas movies. Like that’s not how love works, it’s more complex and yet simple but they always oversimplify it.”
  • “I hate Christmas. So many people putting so much value on material possessions instead of people.”
  • “I hate Christmas now. It’s not the same. I can’t wait to have kids so I can enjoy it again.”
  • “I hate Christmas and buying gifts for people. We should love ALL year long, not just one day.”
  • “I hate how Christmas has turned into something so greedy.”
  • “I hate getting gifts on Christmas when I’m too poor to give anything.”
  • “I hate the idea of being single on Christmas. It’s really depressing.”
  • “I hate Christmas because of all the people being happy for no reason. The only thing I like is the food. Christmas is overrated.” 


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