The Average American Hasn't Made A New Friend In 5 Years

A 2019 survey revealed that the average American hasn’t made a new friend in five years!! On top of that, 45% of people also said they found it challenging to make new friends in the first place. Insider offers some tips to help you out as an adult trying to make new friends:

  • Be Yourself. Of course, you should always stay true to yourself. It may be tempting to hide or change some parts of you in an attempt to just fit in but it’s only going to get harder to manage if you start out a friendship with a fake persona.
  • Take baby steps. You might not become BFFs overnight but don’t expect to. Hanging with someone once a week or less is a perfect place to start to feel out the dynamics of a potential friendship. You don’t want to overwhelm yourself or the other person.
  • Find a hobby. Joining clubs, groups, and community organizations is one of the best ways to meet people and begin fostering connections. Plus you’ll already have something in common if you’re joining something you’re passionate about.
  • Ask Questions. Create some dialogue between those around you. Ask questions and you might be surprised to learn you have some things in common or that you find them to be an interesting person.
  • Initiate plans. Part of successfully making new friends requires you to step out of your comfort zone. Be the one to make the first moves by asking someone to get coffee or if they’d simply like to hang out sometime.
  • Use friendship apps. Just like dating apps, there are friendship apps too. Bumble BFF, Hey! VINA, WINK, and Friender are some to get you started.

Check out more helpful tips for making new friendsHERE!


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