Avoid These Foods & Drinks Before Flying

What we put in our body hours leading up to our flight can actually affect our experience in the air. You don’t want to be that person who always has to run to the restroom or feel extra gassy and bloated. New York City dietician Tracy Lockwood Beckerman says she’s got some nutrition tips you need to know before flying. They are:

  • High-Sodium Foods. Dehydration is super common when flying because of the lack of humidity and dry air in the cabin. If you want to avoid any potential of dehydration-related headaches, constipation and fatigue then go easy on the salt.
  • Carbonated Beverages. Lay off the seltzers, sodas or kombucha. Bubbly beverages can reportedly worsen digestive air pockets, causing you to feel “extra belchy, bloated or gassy” during your flight.
  • Alcohol can dehydrate you. It also affects you differently in the air compared to being on the ground due to the low barometric pressure in the cabin and the low oxygen concentration in blood. This means you are more likely to get hammered faster - soooo take this one as you will!
  • Gassy Foods. Onions, asparagus, beans, cabbage, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts can cause gas and bloating - and gas is just uncomfortable!
  • Once again, something else to leave you dehydrated which we know is heightened inside an airplane cabin. Coffee also has a “ mild diuretic effect” which can have you up and running to the bathroom more frequently.
  • Over-Processed Snacks. Avoid candy and fast food if you’re an especially nervous flyer. These can worsen a sensitive stomach. Opt for some avocado toast or fruit to help you feel full.

Source:Huffington Post

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