Avoid Using These Types Of Photos On Dating Apps

If you’re struggling to find quality matches on dating apps, then maybe it’s time to re-evaluate your profile photos. But do you a professional photog? Nope. When writers at the “Boston Globe” were ask for tips they said quality photos are the goal, but quality is not necessarily in relation to resolution.

Photos that best capture your physical and emotional self are what is quality. More often than not these types of photos are captured by someone who knows you best and maybe even candidly! Avoid going the extra mile by hiring a professional photographer and avoid some of these no-no’s as well:

  • Professional, LinkedIn headshots
  • Photos older than two years
  • If you’re a guy looking for girl –other gorgeous women
  • Dead fish and other dead animals (what?! Who DOES that!?)
  • Standing by your car
  • Flexing at the gym
  • Your kids or other family members

Source:Boston Globe

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