13 Things Only Terrible People Say

We have all dealt with terrible people. But do people think we’re terrible? Is there really someone out there who hasn’t been terrible at least once in their life? Well, “Lifehacker” looked througha Reddit threadto find the top phrases that are sure signs that the speaker is being quite the a-hole and here they are.

  1. “I’m a nice guy.”
  2. “Do you know who I am?”
  3. “I’m brutally honest.”
  4. “You’ll change your mind.”
  5. “Because I can.”
  6. Anything having to do with being an “alpha.”
  7. “You’re so sensitive.”
  8. “You’ve just lost a customer.”
  9. “I tell it like it is.”
  10. “Sorry, I can’t help it, I’m a [insert zodiac sign].”
  11. “Don’t give me excuses.”
  12. “I’m just asking questions.”
  13. “We’re calling about your car’s extended warranty…”


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