Here's How to Digitally Sever Ties With Your Ex After Breaking Up

Breaking up sucks. But there was once a time in the world before the Internet you could break up with someone and never see or hear from them again. And yes, that world doesn’t exist anymore. These days, once you break up in real life, you also have to split up in the digital world. Not sure where to start? Tom Gaffney, principal consultant at cybersecurity company F-Secure, can tell you:

  • Change your passwords. There is a chance during the course of your relationship you shared your passwords with your ex, especially for things like Netflix. Change them. Even if you are not sure your ex knows your password or has it saved, change it just to be sure. You do not want your privacy potentially invaded.
  • Review your social media settings. Blocking your ex, setting your profiles to private, and so on are things you may want to consider to cut your ex off on social media. Some social media sites, such as Facebook, allow you to customize settings so you can control who can see what.
  • Reset your smart devices. Don’t be fooled, there are stories out there of exes using smart devices like an Alexa to scare of the new girl in the picture. Making a list of your smart devices, changing the passwords, and going through the privacy settings to make sure your ex no longer has any permissions is a good idea.
  • Check for stalkerware. Yes, there are apps that can be set up on your devices that your ex can use to keep tabs on you. This is a more drastic tip, but it doesn’t hurt to take a look at all of your apps on your devices and make sure you recognize them all.


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