Surprising Hacks to Make You More Productive Every Day

If you want to be more productive, it doesn’t automatically mean that you have to work longer or harder hours. There are actually quite a few productivity hacks that you can do off the clock. Here are some of the best tricks to try yourself.

  • Prepare For Tomorrow Today. Unless you’ve got a personal assistant, the only person that can set you up for success to start your day is yourself. That means using the last 10 minutes of your workday to set up the next one.
  • Take A Power Nap. If you’re still working at home, take advantage of having access to your bed and squeeze in a 10-to-15-minute power nap when you’re starting to drag. If it’s a more creative task, you might need to make that a 90-minute snooze instead.
  • Work In 90-Minute Sprints. The Harvard Business Review says the secret to productivity is to focus on an important task for 90 minutes at a time followed by a break. It may sound counterproductive but if you build breaks into your daily schedule like this, you’ll actually end up working faster and stronger.

Find more productivity hacksHERE.


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