People Reveal Their Biggest Drunken Regrets

Everyone’s has at least one thing they regret doing while they were drunk, but while a drunk dial or eating five slices of pizza are somewhat innocent, there are plenty of people who’ve done things they are truly embarrassed about. 

Well, now some of those people are sharing in a new thread on the anonymous Whisper app where people are revealing their biggest drunken regrets, and many are doozies. They include:

  • “One time I peed the bed. When I woke up I was still blackout drunk and put the sheets in the toilet thinking it was the washing machine.”
  • “One time I got blackout drunk and apparently ate a whole bowl of ranch dip and shot fireworks at the power transformer in front of my house before running off into the night half-naked.”
  • “That one time I got blackout drunk at a party I took the guy I was dating with me…Yeah, made out with two dudes in front of him. Fail.”
  • “I got so blackout drunk once I lit my passport on fire while on vacation in South America.”
  • “One time I got blackout drunk and got in the bath. Woke up and my ‘friends” had left, I had passed out in the full tub and my nose was millimeters from the water. Close call.”
  • “I had a friend who once got so blackout drunk that he woke up in a different hotel with his pants on backwards and 60 bucks in his pocket.” 
  • "One time I got blackout drunk and pooped on my stairs then laid in my own vomit...wasn't a good night."


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