Self-Care Habits You Need At Work

You probably practice some kind of self-care in your life, like eating healthy or working out. But are you looking out for your well-being at work? Lots of us overlook our self-care when it comes to our workplaces, but we shouldn’t. We’re not talking about rolling out a yoga mat in the conference room, or taking a nap at your desk, but these are some habits that can help us focus on self-care in the office.

  • Be aware of your stressors- Figure out what triggers your stress at work - whether it’s the workload, meeting deadlines, or the people you work with - so you know how to better manage your needs.
  • Learn to say no- We’ve been taught that saying “no” means we’re not a good team player, but knowing your limits is key to success. Frame it in a way that makes it known that if you take on the extra work, the quality of the work may suffer, so your team and management gets it.
  • Set and keep boundaries- Be clear about what you need and encourage others to do the same.
  • Protect your energy- Some people at work are “energy vampires” who will drain you if you let them. Their negativity can bring you down, so try to limit time spent with them.
  • Ask for help when you need it- You don’t score any points for being a hero or a martyr, so don’t be scared to ask for support or help. It’s not a sign of weakness, it shows you know yourself. And let your colleagues know you’re there to help them in return.
  • Go easy on yourself when things don’t work out as planned- If you gave your best effort and things didn’t go the way you wanted them to, be gentle on yourself. Remember that most highly successful people have failed many times and that setbacks are only temporary.

Source:Fast Company

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