How to Not Care When People Don't Like You

Haters...unless you’re Tom Hanks or Denzel Washington, we’ve all got ‘em. The difference between us is how much we let ourselves care about what they think about us. If you’d like to join the elite club of people who have no F’s to give, here’s a few ways not care when people don’t like you.

  • Spend extra time with the people who do like you. Anxiety expert Chloe Brotheridge says “spending time with people that care about you can boost your self-esteem and help you to feel more secure.” Basically, if you’re getting hit left and right by negative people, use your positive relationships as a force field to keep the hate out. Turn your focus away from the dude who said something nasty in your comments section and instead, give your attention to people who fill you with confidence.
  • Tell the haters to suck it. Just maybe not allowed so you don’t get fired or arrested. Psychotherapist Sean Grover says it’s best to just embrace having the occasional enemy. “If people are jealous or whatever, all feelings are welcome,” Grover says. This isn’t to say that you should antagonize them, but it’s not like you have to go out of your way to appease our salty frenemy.

If you need more help applying your SPF 100 Hate Block, check out all the advice on getting over what people think about youHERE.


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