Photo: Getty Images
Now that the warmer months have arrived, you'll likely find yourself cruising around more with the windows down, but it can be pretty annoying to leave your car only to realize you've forgotten to close the windows. The oversight means you have to unlock your vehicle, get back in, turn it on again, shut the windows, turn it off, lock up and go back to where you were. If only there were an easier way... and there is! It turns out many cars have a button combination on the key fob that will return all windows to the upright position.
A video on TikTok is spreading the word about the "secret button." All you do is press the lock button twice then hold it and the windows should all go up. While windows going up isn't available on all cars, the opposite function can be found on many. If you want to air out your a little before you get in it, hit the unlock button twice and hold it, and the windows will go down. If you have a sunroof, that might even open or tilt too.
Commenters were floored by the video, with one stating, "This might change my life!" and another exclaiming, "This saves me so much time when I'm already sweating! Thank you!" Check your car to see if it works.